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Runtime Analytics Make Tracking Events2HVAC Savings Easy
Runtime analytics in Events2HVAC tracks "occupied" runtime savings by room, building or campus, and totals results by week, month and year.

Integrate Door Access with Openpath!
Events2HVAC now includes an interface for Openpath, an award-winning, keyless access system with smart-phone capabilities.

Events2HVAC: Expense or Income?
People often think of Events2HVAC as an expense. But you should be thinking of it as potential income. Read this to find out why.

What Are You Waiting For?
After 8 months of using Events2HVAC in 363 rooms, this college had cut HVAC runtime 70%. So what's your excuse?

Western Carolina University Sets an Energy-Saving Record!
Many colleges and universities using Events2HVAC have sent us energy-savings results over the years. They have all been between 50 and 75...

Innovative Door Access Solution at Legacy Christian Church
Legacy Christian Church (KS) has developed an innovative, inexpensive way to use Events2HVAC to control door access for their buildings.

New Event Provider: Planning Center
We are excited to announce that Planning Center is now compatible with Events2HVAC! Planning Center offers a suite of cloud-based...

Northwestern University Automates Arena Ventilation Based on Event Schedule
Custom multi-state action allows variable operating modes based on event type.

Energy Projects Payback Comparison
This article compares average payback periods for energy projects including wind, solar, HVAC retrofit, LED retrofit, and Events2HVAC.

Events2HVAC Results: University of Southern California and Penn State
University of Southern California and Penn State University use Events2HVAC to save energy on campus.

Occupancy Sensors vs. Events2HVAC
Occupancy sensors work well for lights, but not for HVAC controls. Let's compare using occupancy sensors to using Events2HVAC.

Classroom Utilization Proves Energy Savings with Events2HVAC
Event2HVAC can save energy by turning off under-utilized classrooms.
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