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New Features: BACnet Status Point and Heartbeat
New features of Events2HVAC permit users to automate switching between Events2HVAC and backup building schedules if communication is lost.

UNC Carolina Union Reduces Electricity and Chilled Water Use
UNC Carolina Union reduces electricity and chilled water use by integrating room schedules to HVAC controls with Events2HVAC.

Custom Events2HVAC Integration at Kansas City Convention Center
Kansas City Convention Center integrates room schedules to HVAC controls with Events2HVAC.

Appalachian State University Puts Events2HVAC to the Test
Appalachian State University reduces AHU fan power 70% with Events2HVAC integration.

10 Years of Event Automation at University of Kansas
An interview with Wayne Pearse, who first came up with the concept of integrating room schedules to HVAC controls.

Minnesota State University Moorhead Saves Energy and Labor
Minnesota State University Moorhead saves energy and labor by integrating room schedules to HVAC controls with Events2HVAC.
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