Desigo CC is a management software platform for building automation systems, as well as lighting, power, security, fire safety, and HVAC.
Streamside Solutions has previously integrated room-scheduling systems to Siemens building automation systems with Events2HVAC by sending commands through BACnet/IP. But this can be tedious and may not work with all systems that are downstream of Desigo CC, especially older systems.
So, when Siemens asked us to develop an Events2HVAC interface using the Desigo CC API, we jumped at the opportunity to make Events2HVAC integration easier for Siemens system users.
Our new Events2HVAC interface for Desigo CC enables facilities to use room-scheduling systems such as Ad Astra, CollegeNet 25Live, EMS, Planning Center, and many more to drive HVAC schedules. The integration eliminates the need to manually schedule individual events in Desigo CC, while maximizing energy savings with the building automation system.
The purpose of this integration is energy and labor savings. Results generally fall into one of these three categories:
Facilities running HVAC on a daily schedule before implementing Events2HVAC will save energy by returning HVAC to unoccupied settings between each scheduled event. For example, the average college classroom is empty 30-50% of the day. College energy managers report saving 50-75 cents/sq-ft/year when switching to Events2HVAC.
Facilities that are already scheduling HVAC for every individual event will save labor hours because manual scheduling will no longer be necessary. Churches often fall into this category. When these facilities switch to Events2HVAC, they can save an hour or more of staff time each day related to coordinating schedules. The integration also eliminates HVAC scheduling errors that can be stressful for facility mangers and others.
Many facilities will have a combination of energy and labor savings because they run on a daily schedule, but manually schedule after-hours and weekend events. This is common in K-12 schools as well as on college campuses, churches, and other types of facilities.
Any type of facility that schedules events using a compatible scheduling software can benefit from Events2HVAC integration.
For Desigo CC users, implementation will now be faster and easier because Events2HVAC will send commands to the Desigo CC API rather than going through BACnet/IP.
If you are a Desigo CC user, and you would like more information or a proposal for your facility, please call (888) 320-4277 ext. 1 or email