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New Interface: C•Cure

Though HVAC is the “big dog” for schedule integration in terms of energy savings, integrating door access with Events2HVAC is becoming more popular as universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, churches, and other types of organizations seek to simplify operations and keep their communities safe and comfortable.

To give Events2HVAC users more compatible security options, we have developed a new interface for C•Cure by Tyco. C•Cure includes door controllers, badging solutions, and advanced reporting. You can read more about it on the C•Cure website.

So how does schedule integration for C•Cure work?

  1. As with all of our integrations, event schedules are entered into a compatible room-scheduling system first. This is usually done by administrators in the normal course of scheduling classes, church services, meetings, and special events.

  2. Events2HVAC polls the room-scheduling system periodically, adds any pre-start times set for each door to unlock it in advance of an event, and sends commands to unlock and lock doors at the appropriate times based on the schedules.

  3. Doors can be set to lock and unlock for each individual event throughout the day, or to unlock for the first event of the day and lock at the end of the last event of the day. The latter is especially useful for exterior building doors.

We would like to thank Minnesota State University Moorhead for testing our new C•Cure interface. MSUM was one of our very first Events2HVAC adopters and has been using Events2HVAC for more than 10 years! They contacted us about developing a new interface for C•Cure, and we were happy to help.

MSUM uses EMS to schedule classes and events on campus, so Events2HVAC pulls room schedules from EMS for their integration. But the beauty of Events2HVAC is that its modular design allows users to use the new C•Cure interface with any of our 20+ compatible room-scheduling systems.

To learn more about the C•Cure interface or request an Events2HVAC proposal for your campus, please call (888) 320-4277 ext. 1 or email


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