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Top 5 COVID-19 Building Operations Challenges

Organizations of all types are dealing with various COVID-19 restrictions from mask mandates to occupancy limits. Facility managers must find ways to comply with these restrictions with limited staff and a reduced budget.

Here are the top 5 challenges and how Events2HVAC helps overcome them:

  1. Limited Staff – Some facility workers have been furloughed and others are working from home. With less staff on site, facility scheduling and maintenance are more difficult to complete. In addition, room schedules are likely to change frequently on college campuses, at K-12 schools, in churches, and in other types of facilities. With each schedule change, Events2HVAC will automatically adjust the HVAC schedule based on the new room schedule, saving facility managers hours each week.

  2. Extended Building Hours and After-hours Events – Breaking people into smaller groups may require extending the day and holding classes/meetings earlier and later than normal building schedules. Events2HVAC will automatically control HVAC for these events based on the room schedule, with no additional effort by facility managers.

  3. Sudden Building Closures – If COVID-19 cases go up, and the organization is forced to close suddenly, cancelling events in the room-scheduling system will automatically trigger Events2HVAC to keep HVAC at unoccupied settings.

  4. Switching to Virtual Classes/Services/Meetings – If conditions force the organization to switch to virtual classes, church services or meetings, Events2HVAC can filter out events tagged as virtual in the room-scheduling system. This means these schedules will not be passed to the HVAC controls, so equipment will remain at unoccupied settings.

  5. Reduced Budgets and Falling Enrollment/Participation – Universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, churches and other organizations are facing reduced budgets from state/local governments and donors – and this is likely to get worse before it gets better. If you are running all your rooms morning to night, you are wasting a lot of energy and money in empty rooms. Events2HVAC will automatically minimize energy use and reduce utilities costs while making sure all scheduled rooms are comfortable when in use.

If you are interested in evaluating Events2HVAC for your organization, please contact for a free quote.


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