“We are updating our room-scheduling/HVAC system next year.”
“Our IT department is too busy with other projects.”
“We don’t have the money to do it this year.”
“Our controls contractor says it won’t save energy/money.”
These are responses I have heard many times from people who have waited YEARS to implement Events2HVAC after learning about the integration. But waiting is costing you energy, time, and money.
Look at the results below from 8 months of using Events2HVAC in 363 rooms across 51 buildings at a major university.
The gray bars in the chart above are the sum of hours HVAC was scheduled as occupied each month prior to implementing Events2HVAC based on weekly building schedules.
The orange bars are the sum of hours HVAC was in occupied mode for each month, March – October 2019, after integrating room schedules to HVAC controls with Events2HVAC.
The yellow bars are the difference between the gray and orange bars – the occupied runtime hours saved with Events2HVAC. The total occupied hours avoided across 8 months was 925,435!
The blue line shows the average occupied runtime hours avoided as a percentage, using the scale on the right side of the chart. The average occupied runtime hours avoided across 8 months was 70%!
Granted, this analysis includes three summer months when there are not as many college classes. Adding in the winter months may bring the occupied runtime hours avoided down to 60%. But this is still an amazing result. And as a bonus, the facility managers did not have to enter building schedule curtailments in the summer as they did in previous years, saving hours of scheduling time.
Imagine the energy, time, money that would have been wasted if this university waited another two or three years to implement Events2HVAC!
So why are you waiting?
All the obstacles listed at the top of this article can be overcome. Many have done it. You only need to make a commitment to get it done. When you see the results, you will wish you did it sooner.
What will Events2HVAC do for your college or university?
Cut energy expenses 50-75 cents/square foot/year
Save 2-20 hours/week of HVAC scheduling
Reduce stress for event-scheduling and facilities personnel
Reduce your carbon footprint
Reduce energy demand and make switching to renewable energy more affordable
Contact sales@events2hvac.com today to take the next step toward Events2HVAC savings.